Together with Michael Dorsch and Hans Heidelberger, a team of thirteen people travelled to Kenya for two weeks in August. On the farm of our Kenyan Nehemiah Team, the Miwani Center, they helped hands-on: one whole week of painting, fitting, sawing, welding, hammering and tightening bolts … with great results. Among others, several buildings received a new coat of paint, pumps were repaired, electric cables renewed, sanitary installations and water tanks refurbished.

In the afternoons, the women of our team had a colorful program prepared for children on the compound of the Miwani Center. With the number of children increasing daily, by the end of the week, almost sixty children took part in the activities, enjoying lots of games, handicrafts, dances and songs.

The German team had many opportunities to make contact with our Kenyan friends on the farm and with our little ‘clients’, the children and youngsters who are being supported by the project. Several trips to surrounding villages, to the provincial capital Kisumu, to Lake Victoria and a seven-hour mountain hike to nearby “Nandi Rock” left them with lots of impressions about life and culture in Kenya.

At the end of the trip a great reward awaited the team: a two-day safari in the spectacular Masai Mara National Park! Many thanks to each of the team members and to those who contributed financially, enabling us to purchase all the needed material for refurbishing.

We’d like to admit four to six more children to the Miwani Center, but we’re still looking for sponsors for them. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the office of the German Nehemiah Team. In view of the streams of refugees arriving in Europe also from Africa, we think, it’s an urgent need to create future opportunities locally for the new generation.
